Stationary Tanks
Whatever the product you want to store, from 10 to 100,000 gallons, Superior Steel Products has the solution you need. Our tanks are carefully designed, crafted from the highest quality materials, and fabricated by craftsmen second to none.
Available in 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, aluminum, carbon steel and other alloys. Superior Steel Products provides a complete selection of fittings, manways, ladders, platforms and other appurtenances along with interior and exterior specialty coatings.
Design, Manufacturing & Repair
Double-Wall Tanks
Superior Steel Products double-wall tanks provide integral containment for the primary product bearing tank. These tanks are designed to meet or exceed UL-142 to satisfy Fire Codes and EPA SPCC rules for secondary containment of flammable & combustible liquids.
Double-wall tanks are offered in both vertical and horizontal designs and can provide a significant savings over constructing concrete containment to meet the EPA and Fire Code requirements.

Horizontal Tanks
Superior Steel Products smanufactures horizontal tanks: above ground, underground, skid, drag-skid, and secondary containment. We can help you with insulation, heaters, cooling, removable wheels, trailers or most any of your custom needs.
Horizontal tanks range in size from 10 to 50,000 gallons and are fabricated to UL 142, API 620, AWWA D100, NFPA 22 and Non-Code design standards. Horizontal tanks can be single compartment or multiple compartment configurations.

Vertical Tanks
Superior Steel Products offers a complete line of vertical tanks: flat-bottom, sloped-bottom, cone-bottom, open-top, flat-top, or cone-top.
Vertical Tanks are built to UL 142, API 650, API 620, AWWA or ASME code specifications.
We also offer non-code designs that are value engineered to meet your specific needs. These tanks are available with ladders, platforms, handrails, mixing baffles, mixers, insulation & jacketing, and various options for level indication.

Our Previous Projects

16,800 gallon, API-620 316L stainless steel cone bottom tank on legs
Superior Steel Products worked with GSE Construction & Carollo Engineering to design a FOG Receiving tank for the Dublin San Ramon Services District in Livermore, CA.

10,000 gallon UL-142 carbon steel horizontal double-wall tank
Superior Steel Products, Inc. constructed (5) Fuel Storage Tanks for a Central Idaho Located Mining Operation. The Tanks included (4) 10,000 Gallon Horizontal, UL-142, Double-Wall, Diesel Storage Tanks and (1) 2,500 Gallon, Horizontal, UL-142, Double-Wall Tank for Gasoline Storage. These Tanks were complete with Pump Packages and Ground Level Fill Assemblies.

57,200 gallon UL-142 carbon steel vertical flat bottom tanks
Superior Steel Products, Inc. constructed (12) 57,200 gallon UL-142 carbon steel diesel fuel storage tanks for PC Energy in Ontario, OR.

4,125 cubic foot ASME Sect. VIII carbon steel vertical cone-bottom tank
Superior Steel Products manufactures a complete line of vertical stationary tanks, such as this cone-bottom tank on its way to a customer. This 4,125 cubic foot ASME Sect. VIII carbon steel vertical cone-bottom tank was sent to Halliburton in Texas.

12,000 gallon API-620 316L stainless steel cone bottom tanks on legs
At Superior Steel Products, we manufacture and supply a complete line of vertical tanks, such as these cone-bottom tanks in use in the field. Tanks range in size from 50 to 50,000 gallons, are built to UL 142, API 620, or AWWA specifications, and are available in T-304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, aluminum, and carbon steel. We offer a complete line of accessories for all your tank needs: ladders, platforms, railings, internal baffles, mixers, insulation, jacketing, and level indicators.

5,000 gallon non-code 316 stainless steel vertical cone-bottom tank on legs
5,000 gallon non-code 316 stainless steel vertical cone-bottom tank on legs

65,500 gallon non-code carbon steel vertical skirted cone-bottom tanks
Superior Steel Products, Inc. constructed (12) 65,500 gallon non-code carbon steel vertical skirted cone-bottom tanks for Helena Chemical in Paul, ID.

15,000 gallon non-code stainless steel vertical flat bottom tank
15,000 gallon non-code stainless steel vertical flat bottom tank